Résidence Apparthotel Lou Castelet

200 chemin de la Culasse 06510 Carros
200 chemin de la Culasse 06510 Carros

Appart hôtel Lou Castelet offers 34 flats with restaurant, swimming pool and car park. Short and long-term rentals.

10 kilometres from Nice-Côte d'Azur airport, Lou Castelet welcomes you in Carros, in the heart of the Eco-Valley. Whether you stay for one night or a longer stay, our apart-hotel offers 34 flats all facing south, with loggia and a multitude of functional facilities for relaxing or working. Numerous hotel services are available at your convenience such as breakfast, cleaning and a catering service where you can order a meal tray which will be delivered directly to your flat.


Fahrradgarage Nicht
Lunchpaket Nicht
Aufladen für Elektrofahrräder Nicht
Diese Einrichtung bietet spezielle Dienstleistungen für Radfahrer an.

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