Hôtel Le Tivoli

21 place René Cassin 04200 Sisteron
21 place René Cassin 04200 Sisteron

On the Route Napoléon between the Alps and the Côte d'Azur, the hotel is ideally located opposite the citadel and close to the pedestrian streets. It also welcomes cycling enthusiasts and music lovers from the Nuits de la Citadelle festival.

You will enjoy a very friendly and professionnal welcoming from our staff. At the foot of the Citadelle the hotel, located in city heart, at the top of the pedestrian street, directly on a quiet square with many parking spots. The hotel has an underground closed garage which can safely houses cars, motorcycles and bikes.


Fahrradgarage Ja
Lunchpaket Nicht
Aufladen für Elektrofahrräder Nicht
Diese Einrichtung bietet spezielle Dienstleistungen für Radfahrer an.

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