Le Sans Souci

800 avenue des Mexicains 04850 Jausiers
800 avenue des Mexicains 04850 Jausiers

Family establishment in middle of Valley, near lake and Jausiers town centre. Family-friendly atmosphere and cuisine.

Hélène and Alain are delighted to welcome you to the ‘Le Sans Souci’ hotel.

Hélène will delight you with her secret family cuisine.

The lake is just 1 km from the hotel.

Our location is a delight for cyclists and bikers, as we are fortunate enough to be on the main Alpine road between the Col de Vars and the Col de la Cayolle.

Close to the Ubaye valley ski resorts (Le Sauze, Pra Loup and Sainte-Anne): 20 minutes by car or 5 minutes' walk from the nearest shuttle stop.


Fahrradgarage Ja
Lunchpaket Nicht
Aufladen für Elektrofahrräder Nicht
Diese Einrichtung bietet spezielle Dienstleistungen für Radfahrer an.

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