Motorbike museum

Le village 04530 Saint-Paul-sur-Ubaye
Le village 04530 Saint-Paul-sur-Ubaye

This museum, which is housed in an old barn, boasts a collection of nearly 70 vehicles, all in working order, the oldest dating from 1925 and the newest, 1996.

‘The idea of this museum is to give a second life to these machines and to share a passion for motorcycling with all those who are interested’, explains Laurent Gonnard.

This motorbike enthusiast has been collecting motorbikes and objects related to his passion since he was very young.

There's a curiosity cabinet featuring a collection of motorbike stamps, postcards and lighthouses, but the most original item, according to Gonnard, is a photo autographed by world motorbike speed champion Phil Read.

There's also a children's corner with miniatures, comic strips and puzzles on the theme of motorbikes.


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