Restaurant Logis Hôtels Le Céans

1721 route des Princes d'Orange 05700 Sainte-Colombe
1721 route des Princes d'Orange 05700 Sainte-Colombe

A Logis in the pure hotel and family tradition: a quality welcome (Agnès is careful, and she cares about detail!) and in the kitchen, Jean Pierre works with fresh and local products, everything is homemade, from the starter to the dessert; He offers a traditional and regional cuisine which benefits from all the local products : enjoy his culinary and creative skills ! In the shade of the Baronnies lime trees or indoors.

Here are a few of our specialities to make your mouth water : trout with lavender, honey, lamb chops with honey, Pèbre d'As.
You will also taste our homemade terrines, local honey, goat cheese.
Vegetarian menus are available on demand, as well as meal baskets.
For groups, take a gourmet break in Céans, the Le Céans restaurant has a capacity of 80-90 covers and offers a custom service. (apéritif, special group menus...).
For take away meals, call us because the activity is not open year round.


Fahrradgarage Nicht
Lunchpaket Ja
Aufladen für Elektrofahrräder Nicht
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