La Rosière Tourist Office

705 Route du Col du Petit Saint-Bernard 73700 Montvalezan
705 Route du Col du Petit Saint-Bernard 73700 Montvalezan

The La Rosière Tourisme team is at your service to provide you with all the information for a vacation tailored to your desires. During the season, we welcome you continuously every day of the week at the Tourist Office, in the center of the resort.

The Tourist Office offers the following services:

- free wifi access
- left luggage office,
- registration for activities,
- children’s corner,
- maps of hiking trails on sale,
- posters on sale
- prints and photocopies
- bus ticket purchasing terminal for Bourg St-Maurice
- list of baby-sitters

The Tourist Office also houses a Post Office.


Fahrradgarage Nicht
Lunchpaket Nicht
Aufladen für Elektrofahrräder Nicht
Diese Einrichtung bietet spezielle Dienstleistungen für Radfahrer an.

Contact par mail

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