Saint Sorlin d'Arves Tourist Office

Classified as Category 1. Tourist information on the region but also: photocopies, free Wi-Fi access, weather forecast displayed every day, babysitter list, small souvenir shop etc. Ground floor is wheelchair accessible.

The reception desk is inside the Maison du Tourisme in the centre of the village on Route du Col de la Croix de Fer.

The Tourist Office has a welcoming reception area where visitors can find brochures, information boards and events.
The reception staff will welcome you in French, English and Italian.

It publishes brochures, has an availability centre for accommodation and an event department. It organises activities in the summer and winter seasons.

Various services are also available: free Wi-Fi, photocopies, laminator, ticket office (excursions), signing up for events organised by the tourist office, sale of fishing permits, babysitter list, weather forecast display etc.

The Tourist Office also has a shop (summer walking guides and gifts featuring our mascot Sorlinette).

You can download various documents on this page, such as our practical guide, our accommodation brochure and our family guide.


Fahrradgarage Nicht
Lunchpaket Nicht
Aufladen für Elektrofahrräder Ja
Diese Einrichtung bietet spezielle Dienstleistungen für Radfahrer an.

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