Tourist office of Allemond

400, route des Fonderies royales 38114 Allemond
400, route des Fonderies royales 38114 Allemond

A small Alpine village on the banks of Lac du Verney, Allemond welcomes you to the enchanting natural setting of the Vallée de l'Eau d'Olle, offering you all the pleasures of water and mountains.

Open all year round, the Tourist Office offers expert advice and the following services:

- Information on the Oisans region and the Eau d'Olle valley
- Information on accommodation (guides available)
- Information on sporting and cultural activities, entertainment and events
- Timetables for regular bus routes and seasonal shuttles
- Local weather forecast displayed every morning and forecast for the week
- Sale of various products (hiking guides, blue point tokens, climbing session tickets (summer)...)
- Photocopying service
- Free Wifi around the Tourist Office: FREEWIFI allemond
- E-Bike service: recharge your electric bike here on request (remember to bring your charger).

In winter, snowshoeing trails are also accessible from the village. At the Tourist Office, you'll find maps and guides to help you discover our beautiful countryside.

In summer, it's all about cycling, mountain biking and hiking. Many brochures are available to enrich your stay.
Many events are organized in the village: free concerts, workshops and courses for children, climbing sessions...and so much more...

We also host permanent and temporary exhibitions on a variety of themes (pottery, paintings, photo exhibitions...).


Fahrradgarage Nicht
Lunchpaket Nicht
Aufladen für Elektrofahrräder Ja
Diese Einrichtung bietet spezielle Dienstleistungen für Radfahrer an.

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